Thursday, February 28, 2008

My Most Intesting According to Flickr

Click here to view a full screen slide show.

Conquering the Light

Conquering the Light

Here is a view of the Toadstool Hoodoo located 0.8 miles off of Highway 89 between Kanab, Utah and Page, Arizona.

View large - 'Conquering the Light' On Black

View the entire Utah-Arizona Set
View my - Most Interesting according to Flickr

Other tutorials you may be interested in...
1. Digital Blending
2. A Simple method of Dodging and Burning
3. Lab mode for Pumping up the Color
4. Forgotten Filters
5.Auto Blending
6.Hand Coloring Simulation
7.Gaussian Glow

The Wave

This is the classic view of "The Wave" on the Utah-Arizona border. The natural formation was incredibly beautiful and I just hope my photography does it justice. To get here you need a BLM permit, drive a very muddy dirt road for 8 miles, and hike 3 miles. The sight was well worth the effort!

The Wave - The Classic View

1. Here my wife and daughter register at the start of our hike along Coyote Buttes to The Wave...
2. Relieved to make it to solid pavement after a very muddy 8 mile drive back...


This is our little group at the entrance of "The Wave" ...



Another take on this interesting geological structure. The pool was frozen when we arrived about 9:45 a.m. and still frozen when we left a couple of hours later.

The Wave 2

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