After processing and viewing this image, I am reminded once again that it is all about light. Of all the considerations that go into a great photo, light must be of prime importance. The direction, the color, the quality of light work together with a particular subject and composition to endow the image with character, feeling, and even emotion.
This image taken a few minutes after sunrise is dull, yellowish, and lifeless...

And yet, just moments before at the instant of sunrise the scene has a much more pleasing character and interesting light...

Still earlier during "Civil Twilight" and about 20 minutes before sunrise the light is soft and warm, much more powerful and evocative than the later images...

This principle has been demonstrated and reinforced with me many times as occurred on this recent morning at Convict Lake where my first shot about ten minutes before sunrise was unquestionably the best...
Always remember to get to a location early, even an hour before sunrise to catch the fleeting and inviting light of that magical time, Civil Twilight!